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Farmer Salad is a pretty special combo of winter produce. It includes, 


* Heirloom Grandma Hadley's lettuce, a buttery, crips and mildly sweet from the early 1900s

* Heirloom Arugula arugula, with a wholesome nutty and peppery punch

* Wild Purslane, this herb of antiquity is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, omega-3 fatty acid and other micronutrients. The scientific community comments much on it's incredible nutritional value.

* Native edible flowers

* Herbs like chives, mustard greens, sauf 

* Spices like tender black peppercorns, mango ginger both rich in antioxidants.


There may be add/deletions to this mix, based on what the land shares at the time of harvest.


Your salad is harvested at sundown on Saturday. It reaches you around Noon Sunday. It is pretty special and nutritious, to receive such fresh leaves, grown on earth. We hope you can enjoy the salad Sunday afternoon itself! 


Portion size: Half; Full 


Recommended pairing: kombucha


Rinse and dry all the leaves by spreading on a clean kitchen towel and padding it dry. 


Into your salad bowl:

Tear the lettuce leaves into big pieces.

Same for arugula, but cut out it's stalks since they're a bit thicker. Keep aside for salad dressing.

Chop in the purslane with your kitchen scissor into 1/2 inch-1 inch pieces.

Add in the edible flowers. 


Salad dressing:

Chop finely all the herbs and the arugula stalks.

Pound about 5-10 peppercorns

Pound 1 inch finger of mango ginger.  

Add these to a small bowl and add a generous serving of peanut oil

Add a splash of mango hot sauce and vinegar.  

Let the salad dressing infuse nicely. Just before serving, dress the leaves, add in your favourite cheese, and toss your salad. Have it soon after it's tossed for the crispest, freshest farm flavours. 

HOT TIP: Your salad comes wrapped in a cloth. Keep this cloth moist and refrigerated (You'll have to remoisten every 2 days). It will keep your salad fresh for upto a week! Except the lettuce, which naturally has a higher water content. Finish these within 3 days! We'll get you more next week :) 

Farmers Salad Mix

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