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Get the whole shebang of herbs we grow. Read on for tips on how to use them. 



Herbs for teas:  tulsi, lemongrass, pandan, lime leaves, gotu kola

Herbs for cooking: all spice, bay leaf, lime leaves, pandan, curry leaves, gotu kola,


DOES NOT INCLUDE (during the monsoons):

oregano, mango ginger, peppermint



Herbs for teas all carry minerals and other compounds that are great health boosters. All of them can be infused into hot water for a tisane. Smack the leaf in your palm before putting it into the water to help release it's essential oils. 


Peppermint - Cools the body. Add a single leaf to a morning smoothie, or, infuse it in hot water for a beautiful cooling mid-afternoon tisane. 


Gotu Kola - Associated with neurological functioning, for example, it is claimed to improve memory and calm anxiety. Add to your tisane or make a chutney. For the chutney, dry roast some garlic. Grind together gotu kola, roasted garlic, green chili, and salt. While the chutney can be consumed as a side to any Indian dish, it pairs especially well with fish.  


Tulsi - An overall body tonic, with a host of benefits, especially to treat fevers and colds. Best was to consume is infused into a herbal tea. 


Lemongrass - Carries antioxidant properties, is known to boost metabolism thus improving blood sugar and cholestoral. Fantastic addition to hearbal teas, rice, or steamed fish. 


Lime Leaves - Fantastic addition to herbal teas, rice, or steamed fish. 


Pandan - Fantastic addition to herbal teas, rice, or steamed fish. 


All spice - Or biryani leaf as we call it. Add it to pulao, biryani, or stews for a bit of spice and warmth. 


Bay leaf - Goes in lots of Indian cooking, including biryani or stews. 


Mango ginger - Makes a great addition to salads when sliced thin, or as a side to any meal, sliced thin, soaked in lime and a sprinkle of salt. 

Herb Pack

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